Attendants Schedule

The Attendants' Schedule is a visual representation of when your attendants (employees able to be assigned to performing specific activities) are working. You will input the hours that each attendant is available on a specified day using this screen. This allows you to view and configure the daily schedules for your available activities attendants, such as Spa personnel and transportation drivers.

The Attendants' Schedule screen is similar in appearance to the Activity Schedule screen.

The list of available Attendants at your Property and the activities to which they can be assigned are configured as part of the Property and System Configuration area of Skyware Systems. This configuration may be done at any time if you have the appropriate access/authorization.

NOTE: So that your Skyware Systems knows which attendants are available for scheduling during the time periods selected for any activity, you MUST configure the Attendants Schedule BEFORE scheduling any activities.

The Attendants' Schedule is part of our Spas and Activities Module. If your Property does not currently have our Spa & Activities Module and you are interested in adding it, please contact us at



When selected, the Attendants' Schedule screen will open.

Attendants Schedule screen example

You may view at a glance whom is available and when, on the specified Date. Any availability already entered into the schedule is shown in blue.

By default the Attendant's Schedule screen show the current date. This may be altered using the Schedule Date drop-down menus or by clicking the Calendar icon to select the appropriate date.

You must use the gray button Reset to refresh the schedule.

You can also use the gray buttons Previous Day and Next Day to navigate manually through the schedule calendar.

Once you are viewing the Attendants' Schedule screen for the date desired, you can see the details of your attendants names listed down the screen (on the left) and time slots across the top of the screen, with the scheduled times blocked out showing whom is assigned to the day. Using the cursor to hover over an entry in the schedule will show a pop-up of the activities associated with (able to be performed by) that attendant.

You may add a new entry to the schedule in an unoccupied time slot cell, or edit an entry that already exists, by double-clicking on the appropriate cell.




Date Updated June 10, 2021